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  • 职称 :讲师
  • 邮箱 :2022800009@hfut.edu.cn
  • 所属系 :统计系
  • 主讲课程 :线性代数,概率论与数理统计。
  • 研究领域 :随机微分方程,随机分析,Malliavin calculus。
  • 2010.09-2014.07 安徽师范大学 学士
    2014.09-2017.03 东华大学 硕士
    2017.08-2021.07 澳门大学 博士
  • 2022.01-至今 スポーツ オンラインカジノ 讲师
  • 青年教师科研创新启动专项A项目,项目编号:JZ2022HGQA0148,2022.05-2024.04,在研,主持
  • [1] Chen, P., Jin, X., Li, X., & Xu, L. (2021). A generalized Catoni’s M-estimator under finite α-th moment assumption with α∈(1, 2). Electronic Journal of Statistics, 15(2), 5523-5544.青年教师科研创新启动专项A项目,项目编号:JZ2022HGQA0148,2022.05-2024.04,在研,主持
    [2] Jin, X., Li, X., & Lu, J. (2020). A kernel bound for non-symmetric stable distribution and its applications. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 488(2), 124063.
    [3] Zhang, Z., Zhou, T., Jin, X., & Tong, J. (2020). Convergence of the Euler–Maruyama method for CIR model with Markovian switching. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 177, 192-210.
    [4] Tong, J., Jin, X., & Zhang, Z. (2018). Exponential ergodicity for SDEs driven by α-stable processes with Markovian switching in Wasserstein distances. Potential Analysis, 49(4), 503-526.
    [5] Zhang, Z., Jin, X., & Tong, J. (2018). Ergodicity and transience of SDEs driven by-stable processes with Markovian switching. Applicable Analysis, 97(7), 1187-1208.
    [6] Jin, X., & Zhang, Z. (2017). Ergodicity of generalized Ait-Sahalia-type interest rate model. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(16), 8199-8209.