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学术报告70:连攀 — Dunkl approach to slice regular functions

发布时间:2024-08-16 浏览次数: 作者:



告人:连攀 副教授


举办单位:スポーツ オンラインカジノ


In this talk, I will show that a Clifford algebra valued function f is slice regular if and only if it is in the kernel of the Dunkl-Cauchy-Riemann operator of a certain parameter. Based on this observation and the inverse Dunkl intertwining operator, we present a new approach to construct a family of classical monogenic functions from a given holomorphic function. This is a joint work with G. Binosi and H. De Bie.

报告人简介:连攀,副教授,理学博士,主要研究方向为调和分析与超复函数论,现正主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,已发表学术论文20余篇,部分发表于J. Funct. Anal.,J.Four. Appl. Anal, Proc. AMS, AMPA, J. Phys. A。

下一篇:学术报告69:张锋 — 进化动力系统与生物多样化